Maricopa County Tobacco Use Prevention Program
A biweekly newsletter for Maricopa County Local Projects.
Annual tobacco-attributable mortality is expected to increase from three million deaths in 1990 to 8.4 million in 2020, with almost all of this annual increase (4.7 million out of 5.4 million deaths) expected to occur in developing countries.
-The Global Burden of Disease, Christopher Murray and Alan Lopez, Harvard University Press, 1996, p. 317
March Coalition Meetings
March 13 - Monday
3:30-5 PM ToRev - Tobacco Revolutionists
Western Maricopa County Tobacco Prevention Project
Contact: Booker Henry, 623-935-4250
March 15 - Wednesday Cancelled
3:30-5 PM South Central Phoenix Tobacco Use Prevention Project
Contact: Genoveva Bueno, 602- 344-8941
March 16 - Thursday
9-11 AM Tobacco Lifelong Challenge Project
Contact: Cathy Griffith, 602-246-8049
March 21 - Tuesday
9:30-11 AM Mesa Partnership for Tobacco-Free Youth & Community
Contact: Johnna Switzer, 480-461-6256
March 31 - Friday
8:30-10:30 AM Northern Maricopa Partnership for Tobacco Free Communities
Contact: Lanae Gwilliam, 602-246-2595
Upcoming Trainings & Meetings:
Please share with coalition members
March 15 (Wednesday)
CTFA Quarterly Meeting
Location: Halle Heart Center, 2929 S. 48th St, Tempe
Contact: David Willoughby, ACS, 602-553-7129
March 16-17 (Thursday-Friday)
Cessation Specialist Certification Training
Location: Phoenix
Cost: Free
Contact: Mitchell Harris, APRC, 480-727-2772
March 20 (Monday)
10am-Noon Basic Service 3 Meeting, Cessation Providers
Location: Mesa Partnership for Tobacco-Free Youth and Community
Contact: Ali Kamen, 602-506-6769
March 27 (Monday)
9:30-2:30pm Teen Conference on Tobacco OR Health
Location: Tucson, Cholla High School
Contact: John, Tobacc- Free Ways, 520-740-3909 or
Katra, Full Court Press, 520-884-8820 or
March 28 (Tuesday)
12:30-5pm Tobacco 102
Location: Halle Heart Center
Cost: Free
Contact: Jennifer Forbes, 602-506-3047
March 30-31 (Thursday-Friday) & April 14 (Friday)
Technology of Participation: Facilitation Methods
Cost: Free
Location: Phoenix, Community Forum
Contact: David Phelan, 602-223-4117 *participants should plan on attending all 3 days
April 6-7 (Thursday-Friday)
TEG/TAP Tobacco Education Group/Tobacco Awareness Program
Cost: $395
Location: Phoenix
To register contact: Shawn, Community Intervention, 800-328-0417 or
April 10 (Monday)
8am-Noon Basic Service 2 Meeting, Prevention Providers
Location: Banner Health, 1441 N. 12th St., Phoenix, AZ, Board Room A
Contact: Ali Kamen, 602-506-6769
(Business-professional dress required)
April 11-12 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
ACTEV Tobacco Cessation in School Systems
Location: Tucson
Cost: Free
Contact: Audrey Avant, APRC, 480-727-2772
April 13 (Thursday)
11:30-1:30pm Basic Service 1 Meeting, Community Coordinator Committee (C3)
Location: Mesa, TBA
Contact: Alaina Liu, 602-506-5783
April 19-20 (Wednesday-Thursday)
Increasing Understanding: Communication in a Multicultural World
Location: Phoenix
Cost: $60, $35 for PeopleLinks
Contact: Sharon Ketchum, APRC, 480-727-2772
April 20 (Thursday)
ATIN Bulk Selection Committee Meeting
Location: ASU, Downtown Phoenix
Contact: Patrick Conrow, APRC, 480-727-2772
April 26-27 (Wednesday-Thursday)
ACTEV Tobacco Cessation in School Systems
Location: Flagstaff
Cost: Free
Contact: Audrey Avant, APRC, 480-727-2772
May 10-11 (Wednesday-Thursday)
ACTEV Tobacco Cessation in School Systems
Location: Phoenix
Cost: Free
Contact: Audrey Avant, APRC, 480-727-2772
Out of State Conferences
August 6-10, 2000, (Sunday-Thursday) Initial Registration Materials available January 2000
11th World Conference on Tobacco OR Health Early registration begins March 2000.
"United in Health, Promoting A Future Without Tobacco"
Location: Chicago, IL
Contact: Anne Jenkins, 312-464-5159 or E-mail:
September 17-22 (Sunday-Thursday)
Tobacco Use Prevention Training Institute (formerly the Summer Institute)
Location: Denver, CO
Contact: Ginger Morgan, 919-966-0973 or
Community Events
March 23 (Thursday)
NMP Youth Summit
Location: Midwestern University
Contact: Brad Gebhart, 602-246-2595
April 1-2 (Saturday-Sunday)
Womens Expo
Location: Phoenix Civic Plaza
Contact: Jennifer Forbes, 602-506-3047
April 5 (Wednesday)
3pm-8pm Kick Butts Day at Castles N ' Coasters
Location: Phoenix, Castles N ' Coasters
Contact: Brad Gebhart, 602-246-2595
April 5 (Wednesday)
10am-12:30pm Tobacco: The Musical
Location: Tempe Town Lake
Contact: Sue Sisley, MD, 602-239-6977
April 8 (Saturday)
10am-2pm Healthy Kids Day
Location: Mesa YMCA, 207 N. Mesa Drive, Mesa, AZ 85201
Contact: Jen Kaddi, YMCA, 480-827-4113
April 8 (Saturday)
7-11am Bike Festival
Location: Tempe Museum and Library Complex, 3500 S. Rural Road, Tempe
Contact: Sue Taaffe, City of Tempe, 480-350-8663
April 8 (Saturday)
9am-1:30pm 2nd Annual Coaches Symposium
Location: Arizona State University, Murdock Hall
Cost: Free to all coaches
Contact: Renae Rosales, ATIN Training Coordinator, at (480) 727-2772
May 2000 (times and dates vary)
Artists Resisting Tobacco (A.R.T.) Show
Opening night festivities include a silent auction and reception.
Location: Cave Creek Fine Arts Center
Contact: Brad Gebhart, 602-246-2595
Kick Butts Day 2000 - April 5, 2000
Kick Butts Day is the day America's kids stand up to tobacco and America's adults stand up for kids. On Kick Butts Day, students across the country organize a variety of activities to expose and counter the tobacco industry's powerful promotional strategies aimed at youth. Start planning your Kick Butts Day activities today. Look at the Campaigns web site at
Arizona Tobacco Tax Funded Local Projects and Subcontractors are eligible to participate in Arizona's TEPPNET Listserv. Here devoted tobacco enthusiasts can share information pertaining to tobacco use in Arizona. There is no charge for this service. If you are not yet participating in this discussion group and would like to, contact your Local Project staff for an application or call Alaina Liu, 602-506-5783.
Do you want to be certified in ACTEV's Basic Tobacco Cessation Certification? If you said "YES", contact Ali Kamen at MACTUPP, 602-506-6769 to find out when the next Basic Certification is being offered!
Share your ideas, events and successes with other Maricopa County Local Projects
Please submit items to be included in the next MACTUPPdate by Friday, March 24th, to Alaina Liu, 602-506-5783 phone, 602-506-6896 fax, or e-mail:
Hey Kids! Write a Letter to the Next President of the United States
Letters must be postmarked by March 20
The CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS will hold its annual Kick Butts Day national event in our nation's capital on April 5, 2000. And, the Campaign needs your help.
Here's your chance to write a letter to the next President of the United States about youth tobacco use in our country. Let the next President know that tobacco companies should:
> Stop marketing tobacco products to kids;
> Prevent access of tobacco products to kids; and
> Allow the FDA to protect kids from tobacco products.
Your letters will be delivered to the Democratic and Republican Parties - and eventually to the next President of the United States.
Send your letters to:
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Attn: Letters
1707 L Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Call Shannon at 202-296-5469 for more information or visit
Be sure to tell us your name, grade, address and phone number.
If your letter is chosen as one of the two best, you'll come to Washington, D.C. on April 5 to read your letter at the Kick Butts Day national event!
Hurry, letters must be postmarked by March 20.
(Note: For teachers or adults submitting multiple entries, please send all letters in one package and mark the one that you feel is the best.)
Grow Without Tobacco
INGCAT World Youth Festival (to mark World No-Tobacco Day May 31, 2000)
Organized by International Non-Governmental Coalition Against Tobacco (INGCAT) France
The Mission of the Festival is to have as much participation from children and youth as possible.
Utilize the theme "Grow Without Tobacco" to create the following:
Essays: within 1000 words
Short Stories: (like confessions) within 1500 words
Poetry (Original): within 800 words
Drawing/Poster: no size bar
Cartoon: no size bar
Slogan Making: within 12 words
Theater: Maximum time limit 20 minutes
Please include the following with submission:
Name, age, educational status, Full correspondence address and phone/fax/email (if any)
Submit entries to:
Bobby Ramakant, coordinator
INGCAT World Youth Festival
C-2211, C-Block Crossing, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-16. India
email: (use "INGCAT World Youth Festival Entry" in the subject line)
Entries must be received by May 1, 2000