Southeast Valley Tobacco Use Prevention Project
Desert Samaritan Medical Center
The Southeast Valley Tobacco Use Prevention Coalition will
promote healthier lifestyles by increasing awareness of the negative effects of
tobacco and coordinating community efforts and activities. Article
I. Fiscal Agent
Section 1. Designated Fiscal Agent
Desert Samaritan Medical Center, or its legal successor, will be
the Fiscal Agent. The Fiscal Agent will appoint the Project Administrator. Section
2. Fiscal Responsibilities
All decisions are subject to the review and approval of the
Fiscal Agent to assure legal and contractual compliance. Article
II. Purpose
The Southeast Valley Tobacco Use Prevention Project (hereafter
referred to as SEVTUPP) is a local project in Maricopa County funded
through taxes collected on the sale of tobacco products. The purpose of
SEVTUPP is prevention and cessation of tobacco use through education,
prevention, cessation and tobacco-free environment programs for all members of
the communities served. Through participatory planning and
decision-making, an approach to education, prevention and cessation will be
developed which meets the needs of the individual communities and the SEVTUPP
Coalition (hereafter referred to as Coalition) as a whole. The Coalition
will be responsible for assessing and monitoring the effectiveness of programs. The
Coalition will identify opportunities to partner with agencies and organizations
to assure a comprehensive and coordinated plan for the delivery of services. Article
III. Membership
Section 1. Size
The Coalition will have no membership limit and shall consist of
members from the community at large, organizations, agencies and associations. Section
2. Membership Selection
membership is open to interested individuals who live in the
community or represent an agency or organization that is in alignment with the
Mission, Vision and purpose of the Coalition. Coalition members will be
expected to:
Complete a membership form;
Advocate for the coalition;
Promote the mission and Vision of the Coalition;
Participate actively.
Section 3. Officers
Officers shall include a Chair and Vice-Chair. The
officers shall be active Coalition members elected from the membership by a
plurality of those members present at the last regularly scheduled meeting prior
to June 30th of each year. Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve a
term of one year, beginning July 1, without limit as to succession.
Section 4. Staff
The Project Administrator will report directly to the official
appointed by the Fiscal Agent. The Project Administrator shall carry out
the intent of SEVTUPP and hire, supervise and manage the staff.
The Project staff, under the direction of the Project
Administrator, will provide Coalition and fiscal management, technical support,
community coordination and youth council coordination and facilitation.
Staff will work directly with subcontractors to develop, implement and maintain
a multifaceted, age-appropriate, culturally sensitive approach to tobacco
education, prevention, cessation and tobacco-free environment.
Project staff will maintain a roster of Coalition members.
Article IV. Committees
Section 1. Program Committee
The Program Committee shall provide advice, guidance and support
to the Project staff and Coalition as needed. The Program Committee shall
include the Chair and/or Vice Chair, evaluator, staff and others recommended
from the Coalition membership. There is no term limit.
Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees
The Coalition Chair and/or Vice-Chair, through coordination with
the Project Administrator, may appoint Ad Hoc Committees to work on specific
projects as needed. Committees shall designate a chair from among the
committee members.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. Meeting Schedule
The members of the Coalition will determine the dates, times and
frequency of the meetings. The Project Administrator, or designee, and
Chair and/or Vice Chair will set the agenda. Project staff will keep
records and provide minutes of meetings.
Section 2. Rules of Order
Meetings will be conducted in accordance with Revised Robert's
Rules of Order when not in conflict with the Bylaws.
Article VI. Voting
Each community member at large, organization or agency shall
have no more than one vote. Members at large who are employed by a member
agency or organization shall vote as indicated on their membership form.
Voting privileges become effective two (2) months after completed membership
form is submitted to the Coalition.
When a vote of the Coalition is deemed necessary, a quorum shall
be defined as those voting members present at the meeting.
No member shall participate in a vote that appears to result in
financial gain for the member or his/her organization.
Article VII. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or
in part, by a majority vote of the Coalition members present. Members must
be notified two weeks (fourteen days) in advance when amendments to the Bylaws
are scheduled. Article VIII. Liabilities
Nothing herein shall deem any member of the Coalition or
employee of Desert Samaritan Medical Center liable for the acts or failure to
act of any other member of the Coalition. Nor shall any member or employee
be liable for his/her acts or failure to act under these Bylaws, excepting only
acts or omissions arising out of willful malfeasance. Article
IX. Media
Desert Samaritan Medical Center staff have overall
responsibility for dealing with the news media. The Public Relations
Department of Desert Samaritan Medical Center is responsible for media issues
that involve SEVTUPP. The Public Relations office is staffed from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. All media requests during business hours should be directed to
the PR office. After hours on-call staff may be reached by calling
the hospital operator at 480-835-3000. The Coalition Chair and/or
Vice-Chair or his or her designee shall be responsible to address the
media. In any and all other cases Coalition members who are contacted by
the media may only respond as a citizen at large and/or as a representative of
their own organization, and not as a representative of the Coalition.